The Master of Agribusiness Study Programme of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University was opened and held based on the Ministry of Education's permit No.2538/D/T/2001 and has been accredited A based on the Decree of the Chairman of BAN-PT Number 002/BAN-PT/Ak- X/S2/V/2012 and Decree of the Chairman of BAN-PT Number 1654/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/V/2017. The objectives of the Master of Agribusiness Study Programme, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University are:
- Developing the potential of students of the Master of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University and graduating to become agribusiness experts who have the required attitude competencies and general skills, mastering branches of science and technology and special skills in the field of agribusiness for the benefit of sustainable agribusiness development.
- Producing agribusiness science and technology through research that pays attention to and applies humanities values, local wisdom and excellence, and sustainability principles to benefit the progress of the nation and the welfare of the agribusiness community.
- The realisation of service, especially to the agribusiness community based on reasoning and research work that is useful in advancing the general welfare and intellectualising the life of the nation.